lundi, décembre 31, 2007


It's the eve of new year's eve, and this apparently my 100th post. Woo!

Right now, I'm sort-of-not-really watching a football game with my brother (Manchester City vs. Liverpool), which is weird cuz a few weeks ago, there was no way in hell this would be happening. The cause of the change? PS2 FIFA. Football suddenly became tolerable.

It seems like it's the time for reflections, and resolutions...but seriously, who are we kidding? Does anyone actually stick to resolutions they make? You have all these things you want to do, but how many actually get done? And reflections? Pfft.

I spent last new year's eve with a friend, who insisted on us making resolutions even though I told him I'm not really into that sort of thing. So I sorta did, just for fun. It wasn't a strict resolution with rules (e.g. I must lose 5 pounds in 3 months or something...), I just wanted to make sure that I had a good, fun year, even with all the people leaving and stuff. I think I've done pretty okay. There were shaky moments, but I'm here. The thought of facing a whole new year is exhausting, but I've come to a decision to take things one at a time. Anything else would be madness.

So here's wishing for health, happiness and peace - have a good one.

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