vendredi, juillet 24, 2009


The makings of a satisfying day.
I watched a pretty decent

I did something to take charge of my health and physical well-being.
I had what I like to refer to as The Bubble Bath Extravaganza. Aromatherapy oils. Moisture mask. Exfoliating scrub. Neroli Jasmine bath foam. Green tea scrub.
I made dinner and kick ass lime juice with organically grown limes.

Don't you just love the feeling? Unfortunately, it kinda makes you want more.

dimanche, juillet 12, 2009


Ask yourself this - how many times have you taken that meal for granted? We all know it is "the most important meal of the day", but come on. Unless it's the weekend, breakfast for me usually takes less than five minutes and is eaten standing up/getting stuff together for work/on the way to work. On the rare occasion, I take some time to whip up a healthy breakfast smoothie.

Reading this, kinda sorta changed my mind. I so want to take breakfast more seriously. But does that mean getting up earlier? And eating - OATS?! It's not like I have unhealthy things for breakfast anyway. My smoothies are made with frozen strawberries (no added sugar), sugar-free apple juice, a handful of oats (yuck) to slow down the absorption of sugar (or so says the Jamie Oliver book), bananas and natural yogurt. I have toast (okay, fine - it's white bread. bad!) most of the time, sometimes French toast. I'm not reaaaaally fond of breakfast egg-things. I quite like croissants, to put it mildly. Sometimes, I have cereal (coated with honey - bad?)

Hmm. Might have to give this some more thought.

"When you wake up, you have an extraordinary opportunity to put something powerful inside of you that will energize, nourish and sustain your being for the whole day."

samedi, juin 27, 2009


Thursday night, my dad left for Switzerland. Cousin N is getting married next weekend. I haven't figured out why I'm not there. I mean, I have reasons (mostly logistic ones), but they're not all that great, to be perfectly honest. That same night, cousin K arrived from New Zealand for a short holiday, so I decided to tag along to the airport. I saw a grand total of four people wearing masks - people don't seem to mind they could catch the dreaded flu, huh. I guess if they did, there'd be less air travel but where's the fun in that.

I. Need. A. Holiday.

I'm quite tempted to just go. But we all know the chances of that happening are pretty close to nonexistent.

"There is a land called Passive Aggressiva, and I am their Queen."

jeudi, mai 21, 2009


I've been getting up at 4 a.m. the last couple of nights. I haven't a clue why. Hopefully today's yoga session tired me out enough to sleep through the night.

I'm really inconsistent with this thing, huh. Another thing I'm really inconsistent with (other than my sleeping patterns...) is my skin care regime. It's quite haphazard. I actually went for a facial today and the lady kinda freaked me out. I am SO cleansing and toning and moisturizing every day! And scrubbing and masking twice a week! Or at least once. Yeeesh!

mercredi, avril 08, 2009

dig out your soul

I watched Oasis live last weekend.


It's Lent, which to the uninitiated, is the period of 40-odd days before Easter where people give up the things they like, typically meat and alcohol. We never do the whole 40 days, but usually just the last week. Talking to my friends who are sorta fasting had me wondering about something, cuz they didn't give up all types of meat - they're still okay with having seafood. So how come it's okay to have fish but not chicken? They're both still animals. Are sea creatures lesser animals? Is it less cruel to kill a fish than it is to kill a chicken?


jeudi, février 12, 2009


Since I started paying this thing a little more attention, I've been browsing through a couple of old posts. Today, I had a bit of time to spare and curiosity got the better of me - I went way back to the beginning and worked my way forward. I was quite surprised at what I found, and was very glad that I managed to capture those memories in a way that takes me back to that time. I was even telling A that I had a few deep moments here and there ;) but seriously, at the end of the day (and I've said this before...), this is more for me than anything. This thing, it's like a guide to me. Makes me wonder if should restrict access (not that I think anyone remembers this anyway...). Except maybe V. And whoever decides to Google me...

I made cupcakes today. Totally spur of the moment. Vanilla cupcakes (with real vanilla all the way from Bali - I so miss Bali!!) with frosting and chocolate sprinkles.

mardi, février 10, 2009

related and otherwise

There goes the gorgeous stretch of long weekends...

The last one was spent at the beach for a day, and the next day, randomly deciding to stop by two bookshops to see if I could get my hands on the follow-up to a book I recently finished. It was extremely different from what I usually go for, but so riveting at points that I could barely stand to put it down. I found myself flipping forward a couple of pages one night, which is something I never do! The first book was completely unavailable, so I was most relieved that I got one of the two last copies!

On a somewhat related note, how awesome is getting mail the old-fashioned way?! This time around, I was the sender. But let me tell you - sending someone something and having tell you all about it, how they reacted...everything about the whole experience - is pretty, damn awesome.

On a somewhat unrelated note, I ended up going for a Bollywood Dance class last night. It's not so much a dance as it is a workout to songs from Hindi movies, but it was quite the fun ;) it was as physically intense as the top-secret dance practices before the wedding, which I just realized isn't up here at all! The wedding deserves like a website for itself, really.

This started of as me wanting to put up some more of the raw, unedited pieces I did for my Feature Writing class, but then I found it already here! This non-bloggy thing has got SO much stuff on it, seriously...