mardi, novembre 18, 2008

oh. my. god.

I was telling P about all the things I have to do in the next couple of days, and I freaked.

Here it is, so you can freak with me.

  1. I'm printing the program booklets for my cousin's wedding (which will be in Bali in under two weeks!!). That's 400 pages.
  2. The official opening of the place I work at is this weekend. There's SO much to do for that! We've got some deputy minister dude coming, a bunch of other VIPs...
  3. Then, there's the opening itself.
  4. Relatives are arriving one by one. Dinner tomorrow. Another on Friday.
  5. A birthday on Thursday.
  6. Engagement dinner on Saturday
  7. I have to get my hair cut this week.
  8. I have no shoes for the wedding.
  9. I have to decide on accessories, bag/no bag...
  10. I have to start thinking about the things I'm going to wear and packing!
  11. I have to remember to bring the Bachelorette Party badges. I can sooo see myself forgetting them, and they're way too hot to not use.
  12. Sunday is our final secret meeting before the wedding.
  13. I'm receiving an award on Friday morning. No idea what I'm going to wear for that either.
  14. Monday I've got my final fitting for the dress and we're hosting a bridal shower/dessert party thing. For which I need to sort out chocolate fondue stuff and bake cupcakes.

I think that about covers it for now. Gahhh.

jeudi, novembre 06, 2008

buying things without paying for them

It was my day off from work and I had a bunch of errands to do. I need shoes for the wedding, I needed to pick up my necklace and my cousin needed a margarita. We later ended up in MPH cuz I have RM300 book vouchers to spend. It felt like a task at first - I kept thinking about how much easier it would have been if I had just had that in cash. But we walked around anyway, and I came home with a Sophie Kinsella book I wanted a while back, and a cupcake set type thing. It comes with a recipe book, a silicone tray, but more importantly, a piping bag and five different nozzles...FUN! If I like you enough, you should expect cupcakes. Walking around and picking up random things is no longer a task.

mardi, novembre 04, 2008

of bats and buddhas

I kinda freaked when I was filling in the date on a feedback form the other day. It was the first of November. NOVEMBER!!

In other news, the Oasis CD has moved from my desk to my CD player, where it lies pretty much un-listened to. Blasphemous, I know. I need to sort that out.

The Diwali/Grad party was...a lot of things. It was the first time ever I wore a sari, so moving around was very much a controlled process (as opposed to an automatic one, as it should be). There were quite a few surprises - I had no idea what would be going on, and also in the form of people I didn't quite completely expect to be there. But it was nice, tho.

I received a letter today. Apparently, the lovely people at the University of H in England have decided to give me an award for Year 3 performance...yaay! Although it means another awards ceremony...

We had a gorgeous Thai dinner the other night. It was mum's birthday and we ended up in The Curve, deciding between Fridays (which had been decorated for Halloween) and Sutra (which has the coolest walls full of Buddhas). I miss Bangkok. I miss Bali (which will be taken care of very soon). I miss everything, really. I could go on :)

And I miss Charlie. It's awful to think it's been almost a year.