jeudi, février 12, 2009


Since I started paying this thing a little more attention, I've been browsing through a couple of old posts. Today, I had a bit of time to spare and curiosity got the better of me - I went way back to the beginning and worked my way forward. I was quite surprised at what I found, and was very glad that I managed to capture those memories in a way that takes me back to that time. I was even telling A that I had a few deep moments here and there ;) but seriously, at the end of the day (and I've said this before...), this is more for me than anything. This thing, it's like a guide to me. Makes me wonder if should restrict access (not that I think anyone remembers this anyway...). Except maybe V. And whoever decides to Google me...

I made cupcakes today. Totally spur of the moment. Vanilla cupcakes (with real vanilla all the way from Bali - I so miss Bali!!) with frosting and chocolate sprinkles.

mardi, février 10, 2009

related and otherwise

There goes the gorgeous stretch of long weekends...

The last one was spent at the beach for a day, and the next day, randomly deciding to stop by two bookshops to see if I could get my hands on the follow-up to a book I recently finished. It was extremely different from what I usually go for, but so riveting at points that I could barely stand to put it down. I found myself flipping forward a couple of pages one night, which is something I never do! The first book was completely unavailable, so I was most relieved that I got one of the two last copies!

On a somewhat related note, how awesome is getting mail the old-fashioned way?! This time around, I was the sender. But let me tell you - sending someone something and having tell you all about it, how they reacted...everything about the whole experience - is pretty, damn awesome.

On a somewhat unrelated note, I ended up going for a Bollywood Dance class last night. It's not so much a dance as it is a workout to songs from Hindi movies, but it was quite the fun ;) it was as physically intense as the top-secret dance practices before the wedding, which I just realized isn't up here at all! The wedding deserves like a website for itself, really.

This started of as me wanting to put up some more of the raw, unedited pieces I did for my Feature Writing class, but then I found it already here! This non-bloggy thing has got SO much stuff on it, seriously...

mercredi, février 04, 2009

life's like an hourglass glued to the table

Know how things seem fun for a while, then you forget all about them? Or get caught up in too many other things?


December was...eventful. I was quite pleasantly surprised one Sunday morning, which was just the beginning of two weeks of the lowest of lows and the highest of highs, all at the same time. Christmas without Charlie, and slightly different from our usual, as dad's family were all over the place. Good, all the same. Laughs, presents, food. New Year's was memorable, to say the least. Again, different - a park (and in high heels, too...) to watch fireworks. And now, we're already a month into the new year. Today, someone else left. But on the bright side, I now have two dresses and a top, yaay!

It's all about time, though, isn't it. You're in that moment and it feels like you have so many more, that this isn't at all going to come to an end anytime soon. Until it does and you're left yearning, wondering how come it feels like forever when it's only been a few weeks, and how those moments seem now to have gone by so damn quickly.

A watch, one that stops time. A teleporter. A desert island (or maybe a log cabin in the mountains...).

These are the things I want right now. In other words, to be left alone, just us, without having to worry about the rest of the world.

To stop the sand in that hourglass. Just for a little while.

*Anna Nalick - Breathe (2 A.M.)