jeudi, février 12, 2009


Since I started paying this thing a little more attention, I've been browsing through a couple of old posts. Today, I had a bit of time to spare and curiosity got the better of me - I went way back to the beginning and worked my way forward. I was quite surprised at what I found, and was very glad that I managed to capture those memories in a way that takes me back to that time. I was even telling A that I had a few deep moments here and there ;) but seriously, at the end of the day (and I've said this before...), this is more for me than anything. This thing, it's like a guide to me. Makes me wonder if should restrict access (not that I think anyone remembers this anyway...). Except maybe V. And whoever decides to Google me...

I made cupcakes today. Totally spur of the moment. Vanilla cupcakes (with real vanilla all the way from Bali - I so miss Bali!!) with frosting and chocolate sprinkles.

2 commentaires:

hlpe a dit…

you miss Bali...and I miss you

nameeta rajwani a dit…

aaaw...i miss you too!!