mardi, février 10, 2009

related and otherwise

There goes the gorgeous stretch of long weekends...

The last one was spent at the beach for a day, and the next day, randomly deciding to stop by two bookshops to see if I could get my hands on the follow-up to a book I recently finished. It was extremely different from what I usually go for, but so riveting at points that I could barely stand to put it down. I found myself flipping forward a couple of pages one night, which is something I never do! The first book was completely unavailable, so I was most relieved that I got one of the two last copies!

On a somewhat related note, how awesome is getting mail the old-fashioned way?! This time around, I was the sender. But let me tell you - sending someone something and having tell you all about it, how they reacted...everything about the whole experience - is pretty, damn awesome.

On a somewhat unrelated note, I ended up going for a Bollywood Dance class last night. It's not so much a dance as it is a workout to songs from Hindi movies, but it was quite the fun ;) it was as physically intense as the top-secret dance practices before the wedding, which I just realized isn't up here at all! The wedding deserves like a website for itself, really.

This started of as me wanting to put up some more of the raw, unedited pieces I did for my Feature Writing class, but then I found it already here! This non-bloggy thing has got SO much stuff on it, seriously...

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